Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Fast Skin Wrinkles

Asian Girls-
Skin wrinkles are not only supported from the age factor alone. Daily skin care routines in a less precise, is also a big supporter in premature aging. Ga we want it in after the young women had experienced premature aging.

Lazy to wash your face and do not use sunblock is one cause of decreased skin elasticity. Do not stop there, there are still some more things that encourage skin wrinkles. Here are common reasons that can make a premature aging of the skin and simple solution to keep the skin to stay young:

4 Things that cause wrinkles

Lazy Face Wash
Jams, presentations, meetings, overtime and come home at night, so straight to bed. The reason is often a self-defense because it is not washed after the home office. Sleeping with a dirty face, oil and makeup causes acne and enlarged pores. You can repay the face clean. Do it before you got home from work, so when he got in the house you live to re-clean the face with water only.

No Use Sunblock
The rainy season does not need to wear SPF. Really? Although every day of rain soaked the city, but that does not mean the sun never went in when it rains. UVA rays, the main cause of aging, shining on the earth throughout the year. Especially in areas that are much thinner layer ozonnya like in big cities. It is increasingly clear that wherever the sunlight, UVA rays are also likely to enter the room. To fix this use a sunscreen (sun block) or moisturizer. For maximum protection, choose a product yangmengandung avobenzone, Helioplex, Mexoryl, titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.

Not Using Care Products
Do not use due care products beauty products are expensive. Though to be beautiful and young is not necessarily expensive, there are some solutions to problems like this. Solisinya is to use natural ingredients for skin care. We are sharing the article about the treatment at home using fruits here. Another reason not to use beauty products such as moisturizers and serumkarena not show clear results. Do you have patience? You need to know that a good product which will give the fastest results of eight weeks.

No-Men Face scrub
Getting rid of dead skin cells to smooth wrinkles and brighten the skin. But an aggressive scrub / too rough to make the skin redness and irritation. Avoid scrubbing with an uneven texture like walnut shells. Use the scrub only once or twice a week or go to lift the facial skin of dead skin.
Four of the above common in women, but if neglected for too long then the process of aging and the wrinkles would come so quickly that you finally pay and more time to take care of it. Lets stay young forever ...!

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